(Took a nice picture by the lake)
Three days have passed since last time I wrote, and they have passed quit fast aswell.
Thursday I had a coffee for four hours with a friend. (The time goes by when you have fun :D) She lives in the village next to Pfäffikon and she´s a friend to one of my old teammates. That´s how a met her. Nice to talk with someone anyway, and I think I talked for the whole week ;)
Yesterday I did a really hard training on my indoor bike. This time I did 5 times 8 minutes, not four as last time, with only 2 minutes rest. Even if it´s only one more it´s soo much harder. And I went quit high on my pulse aswell... My max is around 190 and I finished between 177-182 on every interval :P
Today I did four hours with Daniel, (the guy that takes care of the apartment when we are gone). Felt a little bit tired in my legs today, maybe because of yesterday?!
We had luck with the weather anyway, 15´c and sunny, this week has been great!! They promise the same weather tomorrow, or even better, wich is perfect cause tomorrow I have five hours on my schedule.
I hope you all are fine, take care!