Now I´ve been in Switzerland for over a week, but just after a few days after coming back from Holland I got sick. Had to take some days off, so one day I went on picknick with Carolin, and her boyfriend, up in the mountains. We had a really nice day!
The weather was perfect for a picknic, blue sky and 18´c, so we were just sitting in the gras and enjoyed the weather. (as you can see at the picture)
Otherwise I haven´t done much. One day I didn´t even left the apartment, not even for getting the post, (if there were some).
Most of the time I have spent in the sofa with a book...
But now I´m back on the bike, could start easy on thuseday and today I went a little bit harder to prepair my body for the weekend.
Tomorrow I fly to Luxembourg and meet the team.
On saturday there is a 1.2 race and on sunday there is a national race, both races in Luxembourg.
All for now,