Sorry for my late update!
Luxembourg were quit hard for me, I were still a little bit sick...
Saturday´s race were a 1.2 race, and a lot of good teams were there. Our goal were to take some UCI points.
There were one quit long hill that split up the group. Iosune was the strongest one and she was in the first group until the finish. The first 8 got points, she ended 9th. Bad luck!
I finished in a smaller group behind. My legs were really bad this day.
Sunday´s race was just a national race and only three UCI teams and national riders.
We got a breakaway right away with five riders. Two from us.
But we ended up 4th, 5th and me 10th. Felt a little bit better then the day before...
After Luxembourg I took it a little bit easy, just to get rid of my cold completly.
Felt bad the whole week, and then it was time for the worldcup in Bern.
They had changed the lap from last year. Allready after 8-9km´s there were a long hill, wich split up the group completly. I were in the back and I had no chance to catch up the ones infront. First the group was split into 4-5 groups, but after a while it was just two big groups, me in the secound, together with Iosune and Ana from the team. We had no one in the first group. Not much to do...
Directly after the race Thomas and I went home to Sweden! First time since january :D
It´s almost summer here, 22´c and sunny. I will soon go out for a ride in the nice weather.
Take care!
hej bruden. Ser att du e hemma i swe. Hur länge blir du hemma nu??
Nja sommar å sommar vill ja inte hålla me dom att d e... Men varmt å skönt iaf...:)
Hoppas de e bra annars. Puss å kram
Ledsen att jag inte svarat, men tiden hemma i Sverige gick fort... Hann inte med allt jag hade tänkt göra. Sen åkte jag till Danmark och tävlade med Alriksson. Nu tillbaka i Schweiz. Vet inte hur vädret var hos dig, men i Kalmar var det rena sommarvädret. Över 20 grader och strålande sol, även varmt på kvällarna! :)
Hur går det för dig då? Tränar du nåt? Kommer du till SM?
Kram på dig
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